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In this section, we outline the purpose of the RL Subsystem, and provide an introduction to the different components of the system.

The main goal of the RL subsystem is to simplify the process for users to use reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms to train agents to learn to play their Unity games. This is achieved by introducing two key add-on features to the Unity's ML-Agents Python package:

  • Hyperparameter Tuning

  • Integration with Weights and Biases

While the RL Subsystem can be used completely independently of other subsystems, the recommended use of this subsystem is to be used in conjunction with the rest of the subsystems.

Overview of the RL Subsystem

The RL Subsystem is made of two main components: the Training Manager (realm-tune) and a Weights and Biases wrapper (wandb-mlagents-learn) for the Unity's ML-Agents Python package.

Training Manager (realm-tune)

The realm-tune python package provides the main feature of hyperparameter tuning, which allows users to use the RL algorithms without the need to manually select the hyperparameters.

Weights and Biases Wrapper (wandb-mlagents-learn)

Wandb-mlagents-learn is a mini wrapper library for the ML-Agents Python package, and it provides the functionality for users to track ML-Agents experiments using Weights and Biases.

Please refer to the official getting started guide for more information Weights and Biases.

Even though wandb-mlagents-learn is a standalone wrapper, it is nicely integrated with The training manager (realm-tune). For game developers, Weights and Biases provide visualization tools that aid them in understanding and gaining an intuition of the RL algorithms' hyperparameters (e.g., hyperparameter sensitivity).

ML-Agents Python Package

Built by Unity, the ML-Agents Python package is part of the ML-Agents Toolkit, and contains implementations of several commonly used RL algorithms. For more information, please refer to the official documentation of ML-Agents.